About the book
- Details
- Hardcover:
- $32 first book
- $30 second and thereafter
- Softcover:
- $22 first book
- $20 second and thereafter
- Pages: 194
- Pictures/plates: 19
- Publisher: Sniktau/Xlibris
- Pub Date: September 2007
- Language: English
- ISBN (cloth): 1-4257-7117-1
- ISBN-13 (cloth): 978-1425771218
- ISBN (paper): 1-4257-7117-3
- ISBN-13 (paper): 978-1425771171
- Dimensions: 6.0"x9.0"x1.1"
- Shipping weight: 1.2 pounds
- How to purchase
- Via mail (best for the author):
Click here to download order form
- Online:
- Phone: Xlibris, 888-795-4274
- Buzz about the book
- "It is so nice that we have this corner
of Yellowstone Park history fleshed out."
- Lee
Yellowstone Park Historian
- "The book makes it clear that Senator
Vest and General Sheridan used the Arthur expedition as leverage
for the political battle ahead, and it stimulated a good deal of
public interest in Yellowstone."
- David Wetzel,
retired editor of publications for the Colorado Historical Society